3) Follow the instructions that come with the code.
We need to know your first and last name (i.e. John Doe), so we can create a personalized code key for you.
Please include your email address, or your fax number, or your "snail mail" home address, so we can send your code as quickly as possible to you.
Note that the 'Register' program that accompanies Manic Minefields, is a special application for registering through Kagi (our registration site in the U.S.A.).
The 'Register' program shall NOT be used if you register through any of our other registration sites!
Below you will find information on how to register in the following countries:
Australia ($20)
Belgium (500 fr)
Denmark (80 kr)
France (80 F)
Germany (25 DM)
Netherlands (f 25)
Sweden (100 kr)
United Kingdom (£10)
U.S.A. ($15)
Other Countries (Approximately $15)
Shareware Fee: $20
The OTHER Catalogue
18 Clarendon Street
Loganholme 4129
All cheques, etc. make payable to "The OTHER Catalogue", at the address above.
Payments through VISA, BankCard and MasterCard are also accepted.
Shareware Fee: 500 fr
P.O. box 5011
NL 2000 CA Haarlem
Fax: +31 23 5361444
Customers in Belgium can pay (500 fr) to the
Belgische Postgiro 000-1611962-16,
or bankrekeningnummer 220-0146888-66 of the Generale Bank in Antwerp.
Customers can also pay by faxing their credit card number, the expiring date and full address.
Shareware Fee: 80 kr
Indigo 2
Montanagade 29 E
DK-8000 Århus C
Checks may be sent to the address above.
Postgiro account is: 2 69 44 92
Bank account is: 2211-0806148997
Postgiro is preferred.
Shareware Fee: 80 F
la Terre du Milieu
216, rue de l'Essert
Cheques and money orders made payable to 'la Terre du Milieu' are accepted.
(Payments with VISA card will soon be possible.)
Shareware Fee: 25 DM
Solution Software
Thorsten Butschke
Merzlweg 28
71384 Weinstadt
Tel+Fax: 07151/67431
Payment is possible with:
If you register through this company, you must include your telephone number!
Shareware Fee: f 25
P.O. box 5011
NL 2000 CA Haarlem
Fax: 023-536 14 44
Customers in Holland can pay (f 25.-) to our postgironummer 574333 from
ACN in Haarlem or bankrekeningnummer of the ABN AMRO Bank.
Also by sending a girobetaalkaart or eurocheque to the address above.
Customers can also pay by faxing their credit card number, the expiring date and full address.
Shareware Fee: 100 kr
Addiction Software HB
Box 5012
451 05 Uddevalla
Pay 100 kr to our "Postgiro" number: 404 24 06-1
You may also send 100 kr in an envelope to the address above.
Shareware Fee: £10
PO Box 78
M21 8SJ
(This address will most probably change within 1997 to another one in
Essex, but the old PO Box will be open as well for one year, giving time
for everyone and all program documentation to adjust to this.)
Registering in the UK via CyberSTrider:
1) Make a cheque or Postal Order payable to CyberSTrider for total amount
2) Cash (notes only) accepted too
3) Don't forget to include your details
4) Send your address (and,if possible, your email address or fax number) and payment to CyberSTrider
Registering from outside UK via CyberSTrider:
Send the money via one of the following methods:
- A cheque payable in *Pounds Sterling* drawn on a *UK* bank address
- A Eurocheque
- An international Post Office Girocheque payable in *Pounds Sterling*
- An international money order payable in *Pounds Sterling*
- A cheque in your own currency (add 7 UKP to the total fee for bank
- Cash - in Pounds Sterling, Dollars and DMs. Send cash at your own
risk. CyberSTrider will not be able to register anyone if the cash goes missing
in the post. Non sterling cash, please add 7UKP to total for bank
Shareware Fee: $15
1442-A Walnut Street #392-XL
Berkeley, California 94709-1405
Email: sales@kagi.com
Fax: +1 510 652-6589
Open the 'Register' program that accompanies Manic Minefields.
Enter your name, email address (if any), your home address and the number of registrations you want to purchase.
Then choose a way of paying, and Save or Copy or Print the data from the 'Register' program and send the data and payment to Kagi.
If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the
data to Kagi.
You can either Copy the data from Register and paste
into the body of an email message or you can Save the
data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message.
There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small.
If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number.
If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data using
the Register application and send it to the address above.
If you register several copies, please also send the names and the (email-) addresses of the other persons in an email to:
register@addiction.se (subject: Manic Minefields)
or in a "snail mail" to:
Addiction Software, P.O. Box 5012, S-451 05 Uddevalla, Sweden
We will then send them their personalized codes as well.
Other Countries
Shareware Fee: Approximately $15
Addiction Software
P.O. Box 5012
S-451 05 Uddevalla
Send approximately $15 (in cash, preferably bills) in your own currency in an envelope to the address above.
We do not accept any kind of cheques etc.
You can also register through our American registration site (Kagi, see under 'U.S.A.'), who accepts a wide range of payment methods, including most credit cards.
This document will be updated regularly even after the release of Manic Minefields (if you have a company in a country not listed, and you want to be a registration site, please contact us).
The latest update can be found on our web site: www.addiction.se
You can also send an email (subject: Manic Minefields) to: how2reg@addiction.se
You will then recieve an auto-reply with the latest update of this text.